For the last couple of weeks I have been strolling my GTD memory lane, reminiscing about what I’ve learned in the last 367 days since I read David Allen’s Getting Things Done on a plane ride home from Jacksonville.
In listening to Merlin Mann’s Productive Talk podcasts with David this week, I heard some heartening news: I’m probably halfway to “getting” GTD. In Productive Talk #7: Implementing GTD, David says for most people it takes about two years “to really re-groove the neural patterns.” This podcast series also is available on the DavidCo site. It’s well worth a listen.
Here’s a list of links to my top ten reflections so far, based on having my brain half-wired through only a year of GTD:
GTD: A Year Later
GTD: Taking the Plunge
GTD and Entourage
My First-Time Experience with Inbox Zero
GTD Success in Two Minutes or Less
Why excuses for not taking time to implement GTD are sick
Why GTD beats other books on personal organization.
Why even mediocrity in GTD pays big dividends.
How the Roadmap seminar is like Neo being introduced to Morpheus
And finally, a conceptual connection I have personally observed between the GTD methodology and a world-famous medical facility’s pioneering work in developing systems for seeing lots of patients while giving each the individual attention they need.
I expect I will continue to have observations over the coming months, such as this one which is not exactly about GTD, but connects blogging to a key GTD concept, the general reference filing system. So, if through the magic of search and the Long Tail you have come across this post sometime well beyond November 2006, you can click here to read my continuing saga.
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