Thanks to my colleague Elizabeth R. for passing this tip along from one of her former co-workers at the Weber Shandwick agency. Odwalla has a Flash-based Soy Smart spelling contest featuring an animated Ken Jennings of Jeopardy! fame that’s pretty fun and maybe even addicting. It’s got some viral potential with a send-to-a-friend feature, and the top score each day gets a free T-shirt.
I tried it earlier today and got a 21, and just now did it a second time to reach 25, which put me tops on the list at this moment. I think it’s probably a really new contest, so it’s my best chance to get a T-shirt before the virus spreads too far.
The first time I played I was checking the high scores while I was playing, between words. This time when I checked the list of high scores didn’t show. I wonder whether they changed the application. The ability to do that, if it’s what they did, is another cool thing about Web 2.0 applications; they can be tweakedif necessary to increase engagement.
I’m a real milk guy (a descendant of dairy farmers), so I’m probably not their target market for soy milk, but the application does create an extended experience with the Odwalla brand.
Technorati: Viral, Games, Branding, On-Line
Hi Lee – glad you like the game! High Scores actually reset at 5 p.m. CST each day, and I see you’re top as of right now! Good luck!
Thanks, Greg. I’ll have to check back tomorrow afternoon and see whether I need to take the test again!