The new application for Facebook is great because it brings the blogging and social network functions together on one platform. Previously, I could include a link to my Facebook profile on my blog, and on my Facebook profile I had a link back to my blog. But now they are tightly integrated; here’s how my my blog appears in Facebook:
(It will be interesting to see how this post appears in Facebook, and whether graphics like the logo are displayed.)
Many of the comments on the post announcing the new WordPress application focus on the amount of screen real estate it takes, and I’m sure some more customizability will be added. But it’s a great start.
I think I likely will be going straight to my blog to do the posting, though, rather than posting from within Facebook as I did yesterday. The perfomance for posting within Facebook was kind of sluggish yesterday, which is why I think WordPress must have taken out the graphical formatting buttons (or any formatting, for that matter) from their Facebook app. I can see how that would have slowed things down, kind of like software emulation of a computer operating system (e.g. VirtualPC for Mac).
So now the interface is cleaner, like this…
…but it would be hard to do anything but basic text posts.
The value of the WordPress application, though, is bringing together the long-format posts (and yes, I know, this one is pretty long-winded) with the social networking capabilities of Facebook, all in one spot.
If you’re on Facebook and want to add me as a friend, click here. If you’re not on Facebook, you should be: click here to join.
Technorati: Facebook,, WordPress, integration, social media, networking
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