A personal note as I wind up the month and prepare to unplug from the grid for a few days.
Sixteen years ago today my youngest daughter, Ruth, was born. That’s why I took the day off from work, and look forward to a four-day weekend, including Labor Day. Ruthie arrived three weeks early, and 50 weeks after her sister, Rebekah. So, for the next two weeks, I have two Sweet 16 daughters. Here they are on either side of their older sister, Rachel, at her wedding last December:
When my wife Lisa was pregnant with either Rebekah or Ruth (I can’t remember which), I told her that maybe this year Labor Day really would be “Labor” day. She didn’t think that was particularly funny.
With one born on August 31 and the other September 14, we also have the unusual and maybe even unique distinction of having two daughters, not twins, in the same class in school. Others have kids who are the same age for a few weeks each year, but Ruthie beat the September 1 deadline to join Rebekah in the Class of 2009 by three hours.
Lisa and I are thankful for the blessings we have in these girls and their four siblings (two older and two younger), and look forward to a great, long weekend with family and friends.
Labor Day blessings to you all.