One of the really interesting futures in web 2.0 is hole applications can be develop they can work together. In this case I am working with Jott’s to devolop a blog post for my wordpress blog. I have also expermented with Twitter. So I am going to see how this works out with the a blog post.
Click here to listen
Later: I did this from my cell phone on the way to lunch. I think it’s kind of neat that you can click through the link and hear exactly what I said, because the transcription isn’t perfect. I’ll have some more thoughts on this and on Twitter with Jott later.
Technorati: Twitter, WordPress, Jott
Yeah, I’m quite happy with Jott’s ability to keep up with the transcriptions as well! At first it was kinda fumbly, but now it seems to nail it right on the head! SUPER happy about Jott links, I, too, have been messing around with Twitter now. It’s kinda neat! Messin’ around with Zillow too.