Thanks to Scott Meis for tipping me off to this absolutely hilarious video.
Updated: Michael Arrington has a post on why this video was pulled from YouTube, along with a link to where you can still see the video. I agree with him, but The Richter Scales obviously decided it wasn’t worth paying a bunch of legal bills to eventually prevail. The offending photo was shown for about 1 second of the video. I hope Richter remixes the video without it; it’s such an inconsequential element. The Richter guys are way more creative than the photographer is. Here’s a contrary view.
I’m glad I’m just a user of all these free technologies, and not looking to make a living from developing them. And it’s great how they can be used to promote worthy causes like organ donation, as Scott is showing.
So who needs a record company anymore, when a video like this can get over 400,000 views in four days?
Technorati: Web 2.0, video, music, parody, Facebook, record labels, MySpace, tech bubble, bubble