Here are highlights of the last week:
- Your Chancellor did his taxes using TurboTax in less than an hour. It was Form 1040 with itemized deductions. If SMUG ever goes for 501(c)(3) status, I’m sure it will be more complicated, but for people like me who have used TurboTax previously, it is wonderful how it carries forward information from the previous year, such as charities previously supported, mortgage lenders, employers and dependents. It’s an excellent program and well worth it. Next year I plan to not procrastinate; I think the price is higher closer to April 15.
- The first new class for the week was in the Podcasting curriculum. It’s Podcasting 104: Adding ID3 Tags to Your Audio Files. We’re well on the way to showing you how, as a SMUG student, you can do your own free podcast. I also did a related post on Religious Podcasting.
- We also added an advanced course in the Facebook curriculum, Facebook 210: Professional Profile, Personal Privacy. It shows you how you can create a professional friend list that will enable you to use Facebook for both your personal and professional networking, without worrying about co-workers, clients, customers or other professional associates running across information that is too personal.
- We also launched SMUG’s first cooperative social media research program. I hope you will use the recommendations from Facebook 210 to establish a professional friend list and participate in the research project.
I also have begun exploring the Flip video camera, based on a recommendation from PodcastSteve (a.k.a. Steve Lubetkin). My initial experience has been quite positive. And check out this guy’s comparison of HD and Flip. I will be reviewing the Flip here after I’ve spent some more time with it.