Here’s a video I took this evening while dining with my bride at her favorite local Chinese buffet restaurant, in celebration of the anniversary of her birth:
I uploaded it directly from the Flip video camera to YouTube. It isn’t particularly long, but within 10 minutes of upload it was processed and ready for viewing.
This is just to illustrate how quick and easy it is to upload video to the web using the Flip. Instead of having to digitize from a tape, which takes at least the length of time required to connect the camera to your computer and play the tape segment, the file can be almost instantly uploaded. And if you don’t want to edit, you can just upload the raw video.
Not that you generally should. It’s really easy to edit the video files, so you can trim extraneous seconds to improve the presentation. But if you catch some extraordinary event, you can show it to the world within a few minutes.
I’ll be doing some exploration of the balance between time to worldwide video availability and quality of the product. Let’s just say that what you see above minimizes both, and that I spent twice as long writing this blog post as YouTube and I together spent producing and processing the video.