Giving it a try to see how it works.
Social Media University, Global (SMUG)
Suus Non Ut Difficile • Home of the SMUGgles
Giving it a try to see how it works.
Earlier this week, I saw this video from Glenn Beck about his experience at Mayo Clinic:
Partway through, Mr. Beck talks about his conversation with a Mayo Clinic nurse, and how he was surprised to learn that what he was perceiving as being treated “like a king” was actually fairly representative of the experience of average patients. So here’s a video I shot with my Flip camera in our early days of the Mayo Clinic YouTube channel, with the husband of a patient who had traveled from Connecticut:
I enjoy so much hearing these stories from people having their first experience at Mayo Clinic. They’re a great reminder of why we go to work each day.
With an update released yesterday, the good folks at Periscope have eliminated one of the downsides of their video-streaming app as compared with rival Meerkat:
Now we can stream video horizontally instead of vertically, and still have viewers fully able to interact with comments.
Yesterday when I was doing a Periscope from the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program, one of the first comments from viewers was that I should switch to horizontal mode. I couldn’t do that in the middle of the broadcast, but after I was done I sat down to give it a try, on my personal Periscope account, and had a nice conversation with viewers.
One of the things I learned is that it worked well for participants who had the updated app, but for those still using the old version it felt buggy.
Takeaway #1: Everybody – please update to the latest version of Periscope for iOS or Android.
As I described in this post on our Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media site, one of the downsides of Periscope is that the archives expire after 24 hours. We want to use Periscope to provide behind-the-scenes glimpses of Mayo Clinic, including tours, and would like to upload the video to our Mayo Clinic YouTube channel.
Unfortunately, vertical video isn’t attractive on YouTube, which uses a widescreen format.
So we developed a hack that involved
It wasn’t ideal, but it at least avoided the letterbox look. And the other downside was that it took another couple of hours to create the video, after the tour was done. Still, it felt worthwhile to get enduring access to the tours.
The new Periscope feature doesn’t completely solve the problem, but it reduces the time for video post-production by about 90 percent.
Why is it incomplete? Because the video saved to the camera roll (at least in iOS) is still in a vertical format, although now it’s sideways like this:
Fortunately, there’s a three-step solution that takes only a few minutes.
Now you’ll have a horizontal video that you can upload to YouTube, or edit further. I’ll likely transfer the files to my laptop, because I’ll be able to edit more precisely and quickly in that version of iMovie.
There will be some bumps in the transition, such as for services like, which have been archiving ‘scopes. They’ll need to adjust to keep them from looking like this:
But overall, this is an exciting (and for us, time-saving) advance from Periscope!
Update: Here’s an edited version of my first horizontal Periscope, uploaded to YouTube:
In addition to its being owned by Twitter, one of Periscope’s positives (as compared with rival Meerkat) was that its broadcasts have some enduring quality (24 hours.)
But as a mobile-mainly platform, one of Periscope’s limitations had been that archived broadcasts could only be viewed on the iOS or Android apps, not on the Web.
That just changed yesterday:
So, for example, here’s a broadcast from Kim Garst (shared with me by colleague Tony Hart) on how to promote your Periscope broadcast. You can watch it until about 9 a.m. CDT on Thursday, June 25.
It will be interesting to see what this does to replay views for Periscope broadcasts, and for the popularity of the platform as compared with Meerkat.
What do you think?
Alternate title: Why JAMES is the NBA MVP instead of BOSH.
For those of us working in social media, having a “viral” video or blog post is one of the goals to which we often aspire.
In some ways it seems like the ultimate validation, like butane lighters flicking on in tribute at the end of a musician’s concert. Seeing the view counts climb steadily – or even explosively – provides a great jolt of adrenaline or some other helpful brain chemical.
Some have identified keys to virality, which you can remember using a mnemonic involving the surname of the third amigo of the NBA champion Miami Heat:
If you have other factors to suggest (and maybe a revised mnemonic), add them in the comments.
But in health care social media, the keys to virality don’t usually apply. Diseases aren’t funny. A video about an unusual condition is generally less relevant to the online masses, and therefore less likely to spread. You can’t manufacture serendipity. And because of the complexity of our subject matter, brevity isn’t always in the interest of patients.
This isn’t a knock against viral videos. I enjoy them as much as anyone, and my sense of humor is, as they say in genetic counseling, overexpressed.
So viral shouldn’t be your goal in health care social media. Shoot for helpful instead, and instead of Chris Bosh, use the MVP’s last name to help you remember:
What do you think? What other characteristics are important for helpful health-related videos?