Ever since I posted the 35 Social Media Theses, 492 years after Martin Luther posted his 95, I have planned to put them in a one-page PDF, to make them more portable. Here is that document:
35 Social Media Theses (right-click and “Save as” to download.)
- Please feel free to make as many photocopies of the document as you would like.
- You also may email the file (it’s only 132K) to anyone you think would find it helpful.
- And of course, since this is about social media, I encourage you to tweet the link or otherwise share it on Facebook, LinkedIn or other platforms. Digg?
The Creative Commons license simply requires that you not change the original document as you pass it along and that you credit the source.
You will note that within the PDF I have included links to posts or news articles on SMUG or elsewhere that support or explain the various points.
I hope this can be a good discussion starter for you in your workplace or in other organizations you’re trying to get involved in social media.
Let me know how your conversation goes!