Today is my 40th anniversary of being an adult.
What if I have another 40 years left? What if I’m only halfway through my adult life? How would that change my career perspective?
Those are among the questions Chip Conley raised in this TEDx Talk in November 2019.
I had heard Chip earlier that year on Tim Ferris’ Podcast Episode #374, just after I had turned 56, and his message deeply affected me.
It made me think I should be planning to work at least well into my 70s, and that maybe it wasn’t such a crazy idea to go back for an MBA at my age.
With the health changes Lisa and I have made in the last few years, we feel healthier and have more energy than we did 30 years ago.
We’ve been doing what we can to prevent diseases that could shorten our lives or diminish their vitality.

On my 58th birthday I’m especially grateful for Lisa, our six kids with their five spouses and a significant other, and our 14 grandchildren. My brother Mark and I are both eligible for the discounted breakfasts at Denny’s, and yet we’re blessed to have our parents still doing well. Dad turned 90 in January.
Ultimately we can’t know how long we have remaining. Life is a vapor. “If the LORD wills we will live and do this or that.” (James 4:15, ESV)
That’s not denigrating planning. It’s admonishing against presumption.
Whatever your age, as a Modern Elder I encourage you to watch the video above and to think about how you can be both curious and wise.
How might the COVID Chrysalis be preparing you for something beautiful and amazing?
How can you Wield Wisdom Well and become a Wisdom Worker?
What percentage of your adult life is still ahead of you, and how can you make the most of it?
As Chip concludes, “Life is not a one-tank journey.”
How are you planning to refuel?