Wisconsin AAF Presentations

I have the pleasure today of doing presentations in Green Bay and Madison, Wisconsin for local chapters of the American Advertising Federation. Here are my slides for the breakfast presentation in Green Bay and the noon luncheon in Madison. You can follow (or contribute to) the Twitter discussion at #AAFWI.

I welcome your comments and questions. And if you’d like to get more in-depth learning about social media, see the Enroll Now page.

SMUG Extension Class in Green Bay

I’m on Packerland Drive in Green Bay at the corporate headquarters of Schneider National, a transportation firm with lots of orange trucks, for the monthly meeting of the NE Wisconsin chapter of the Public Relations Society of America.

Here are the slides I used for my presentation, which was entitled Not Your Father’s Media (Yet).

Here are five immediate steps the PRSA members can take to dive into social media:

  1. Comment on the presentation in the post below, and ask any questions we didn’t get to cover.
  2. Join Facebook and “friend” me.
  3. Sign up for Twitter and “follow” me.
  4. Sign up for Google Reader, take the tour, and subscribe to some RSS feeds (including SMUG’s). If you want it by old-fashioned e-mail, get that here.
  5. Enroll in SMUG by joining the Facebook group.

This should all maybe take another 30 minutes or so to get started, but it hopefully will launch you on a lifetime of social media exploration.