Lisa and I have been amazed at the results we have gotten through some pretty simple and basic diet and lifestyle changes over the last four years, but particularly in the last 18 months.
We’ve each lost more than 50 pounds. Lisa’s gone from a tight size 14 to a comfortable size 6, and instead of a 38-inch waist on my jeans I’m down to a 32.
My waist size in high school, 40 years ago, was 34 inches. I hadn’t dreamed I could get to that size again, so imagine my surprise when those jeans became a little baggy.
These results weren’t due to our own special insights. We have learned from some really smart people who have challenged deeply flawed dietary consensus and orthodoxy.
Some are physicians or scientists or other clinical professionals. Others are journalists, science writers or patient advocates.
I keep up with what they’re learning and sharing through my Health Sherpas Twitter list. It’s a public list you can follow.
I also have created a Health Sherpas page with some additional resources that you may find helpful, including links to blog posts I’ve done featuring them, to their YouTube channels, blogs and podcasts.
Sherpas helping climbers scale Mount Everest are familiar with the terrain and also physically adapted for the journey. My Health Sherpas have been savvy guides to weight loss, improved metabolic health, strength, conditioning and body remodeling. And lots of their guidance is free on Twitter.
Sherpas don’t climb the mountain for you. You still have to do the work. But they can save you from taking a futile, dead-end route, and they also have tips to make the journey easier.
I hope you’ll join our expedition. In addition to following my Twitter list, you can subscribe by email for my new blog posts, or catch them as I share on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.
If you have additional sherpa candidates to recommend, leave them in the comments below.