Video podcasting gets a bump from NBC, which has announced it will make complete podcasts of Meet the Press and Nightly News with Brian Williams.
Thanks to Lost Remote for the tip.
ABC also is extensively into podcasting. The thing I like about the NBC offerings (at least from what I’ve seen so far), is I think we will be getting the whole programs as they go over the air, but just time-shifted. ABC seems to be focusing more on “extras” – which is fine, but I like to see what has actually gone over the air on the network.
Part of my job is to stay up-to-date on health news, and particularly to be able to get copies of news clips that feature Mayo Clinic and its physicians and scientists. We have devices to record the network news and scan for relevant stories, but now with NBC this may have gotten even a little easier. At least it seems like a good back-up.
The NBC Nightly News file for last night is 81 megs. I’m in part of the house where the wireless signal isn’t strong, so it will take a bit to download. This might give me a good way to watch the news on the bus in the morning, since I’m on the bus at night while the show is on. I understand each night’s program will be available after 10 p.m. Eastern. I may have some more thoughts on this tomorrow after I’ve viewed some programs.
It may not be as entertaining, but it’s cheaper than buying episodes of Lost (which I think is still a pretty good deal anyway.)
Technorati: NBC, Meet the Press, Nightly News, Podcast, Tim Russert, Brian Williams, Video
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