Now I’ve seen everything.
Tuesday’s Seattle Post-Intelligencer has a special report under the headline “At Pegasus, Mayo Clinic for Thoroughbreds Meets the Four Seasons,” with this as the lead:
REDMOND — The sign on the iron gate at the end of 260th Place Northeast spells P-E-G-A-S-U-S in such a way that a visitor concludes that what’s to come is something special.
Special, indeed.
Pass through the gate and what comes into view on about 100 well-groomed acres on a bluff above the Snoqualmie River Valley and the town of Carnation is a complex — the Pegasus Equine Rehabilitation and Training Center — that has to be the equine equivalent of the Mayo Clinic augmented by five-star luxury.
I’m glad I work at the Mayo Clinic for people, and that at least the P-I also runs our syndicated Medical Edge newspaper column, which is offered through Tribune Media Services.
Technorati: Mayo Clinic, Syndicated News, Horses