BusinessWeek has an article about an annual survey of college graduates in which they are asked to name their ideal employer. Mayo Clinic ranked 14th, and here’s what the magazine said about my employer:
Arguably the most respected health-care institution in the country, the Mayo Clinic attracts patients from around the world. They have included the late King Hussein of Jordan and President Ronald Reagan.
Here’s the full article, and here’s a list of the top 25 (without having to go through the slide show.) Google, Disney and Apple were the top three.
It’s nice that grads think highly of Mayo Clinic; even more telling is that an employee-based survey put Mayo in the top 100, too.
Technorati: Best Employers, BusinessWeek, Mayo Clinic, Google, Disney, Apple
Thanks for stopping by and the link. Good luck to you at Mayo. It certainly seems to be a good healthcare related employer.