In what may become a series of posts related to “things about Facebook that don’t matter” (which started with advertising click-through rates), here’s a link to a blog post (via TechCrunch) that outlines interesting demographics of Facebook users, including the fact that nearly two-thirds are women. In one sense that’s important to know, because for some decisions (e.g. health care) women are the primary decision makers.
But in another sense it doesn’t really matter what Facebook’s overall demographic breakdown is, as long as there is a significant number of people that might be interested in your product, service or organization.
So even if, for the sake of overstated argument, 90 percent of Facebook users were under 30 (they aren’t, but just bear with me), Facebook can still be a good place to reach an older group.
Why? Because Facebook is not primarily a mass medium. It’s a personal, conversational medium.
So, for example, if AARP wants to reach “U.S. Americans” over age 50 to become members, it would currently find over 377,000 people fitting those criteria in Facebook. Unlike mass media, in which you pay for the entire audience, AARP could advertise just to those who could qualify for its programs. And with the pay-per-click advertising model, the costs would be low. You’re not only not paying for the other 50+ million users who don’t fit your demographic; you’re also not paying unless those who are in your demographic click the ad.
Would Facebook be the cornerstone of an AARP membership marketing strategy? Certainly not. But it could be one element. And as Facebook membership continues to grow across all demographics, it can be a good way for all kinds of organizations to engage with and create a relevant community.
Technorati: Facebook, demographics, AARP, advertising, marketing, PPC