Panelists for this session were:
- Leisa Glipsy – Armstrong World Industries – Moderator
- Detlev Johnson – SearchReturn
- Jennifer Horowitz –
- Val Sanford – Zango
It’s important to buy PPC to supplement your natural search. If you have a natural ranking, advertise there too. People are more likely to click the natural result, and you can double your natural clicks just by being there in the paid rankings, too.
H-P suggests writing for the web first instead of adapting print materials.
Val says you need to integrate end-to-end, and make sure your landing page matches the keyword you are buying in PPC. This is a science with a little bit of art. Testing is critical. Creative, keywords and landing page all need to relate.
Protect your real estate. Buy competitor names and buy your own name too. Put defensive money into the game.
Val’s don’ts:
- Don’t think about search as a standalone strategy. It’s part of your mix. Have a single design team with cohesive campaigns.
- Remember that there are other search engines besides Google and Yahoo. Some search engines are targeted to particular subject areas. Buy keywords in French in the Canadian market.
- Test, test, test. Don’t set it and forget it. You need to check on this every day.
Yahoo Site Explorer and Google Webmaster Tools were recommended.
From our search marketing guru at zango: building out kw lists have been really successful using Microsoft’s beta tool adIntelligence 2.0 which can build out lists in 3 ways, existing kw combinations, category search, and competitive mapping, which looks at any website competitors and will scrape suggestions. Best thing about it, is that it is a plug-in tool for Excel 2007. Definitely more relevant kw’s as well. Hope that’s helpful.
Great suggestion Val! Thanks! The session was awesome, I only wish I had felt better.
One tip I wanted to add here that we talked about. Look at your web stats and see what phrases are already driving traffic and then check your site to make sure you are well optimized for those phrases. If you are getting some traffic, you can likely improve it with more focus on those phrases and it is easier to take what is already working and tweak it to get more than to start from scratch. Once you’ve tweaked to get more out of what you’ve already got, then you can go back and work on the “from scratch” stuff.
One last tip, using the Microsoft Ad Lab tool for Search Funnels ( allows you to see what people searched for before and after a certain phrase – it gives some insight into search patterns and behavior.