Actually, that’s not my boy. He’s Inkswamp‘s. But my youngest son, John (pictured below) did something this week that made me look for a photo in Flickr representing a boy looking up to and emulating his dad.

John Aase, as long-time SMUG students know, has a blog. He’s 9. On Monday, he told me, “Daddy, I’m going to write a page on my blog.” “A page?” I asked him. “Don’t you mean a post?” “No Daddy, I’m going to write a page.”
John had previously written this page about the bird’s nest on our porch. His posts and pages tend to be much more concise than mine.
I have to say his latest page just completely melts my heart. Not the subject matter, but the thought that he wants to follow in Dad’s didactic footsteps.
I know most SMUGgles won’t be familiar with Pokemon, but John is quite an expert. So if you wouldn’t mind going to his P.G.A. page and leaving a question to prime his pump, you would be providing great encouragement to a blogger who’s just getting started.
Maybe some of the younger SMUGgles who have gone through a childhood Pokemon stage would know better questions to ask. For others, you could ask simple questions like:
- How many different kinds of Pokemon are there?
- Which ones are the most powerful?
- What’s your favorite one?
- How do you play Pokemon?
You get the picture.
Beside setting John off on a writing spree, which would be good for his learning about computers and blogging, he would really get a kick out of seeing his daily page views spike.
So if you wouldn’t mind taking a minute to encourage John, I would greatly appreciate it.
That is pretty cool! My daughter is a blogger too. Next up you should start helping him to monetize his blog with ad words and maybe a cafe press store… It sure cuts down on them asking for allowance!