As Chancellor of Social Media University, Global I enjoy getting to do Extension Classes, on-site presentations with organizations interested in getting involved in social media.
I did one of these in May with LifeSource, the organ procurement organization for the upper midwest.
Even more than doing the presentations, though, it’s especially gratifying to see organizations move forward with their social media projects.
That’s why I was so delighted to get a note from Becky Ousley, saying that LifeSource was launching The Source, its blog for news and conversations about donation and transplantation.
Today’s post announces the LifeSource activities associated with the Minnesota State Fair, and its booth where people can register as donors. They’re planning lots of updates from the “Great Minnesota Get Together” as people stop by to share their stories.
In addition to having hosted the extension class, Becky and her blog co-author Susan are long-time SMUGgles, participating in the on-line learning opportunities available through SMUG.
Our goal with SMUG is to have people who have participated here launch their own blogs, particularly for business or organizational use. As they do, we’ll profile them here in the Capstone Projects section, the 400-level Blogging courses. And this will give others a chance to see what their fellow SMUGgles are doing.
Please join me in visiting the LifeSource blog and congratulating Becky and Susan on pulling together everything they’ve learned into a first-class blog for a great cause.
And if you’ve started a blog or are planning to do so, please let us know so we can profile you, too.
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