Here’s a recent question from Mara Herschbach in the SMUG Facebook group:
Hi Lee! Love the Keynote this morning you did for Life Science Alley. One question, would you go Flip Camera over the new iPhone 3Gs? I have an iPhone 3G and was not planning to upgrade, but if the cost is similar and I did not have to carry another gadget…
Thanks again for all the info. Looking forward to checking out SMUG.
Here’s my answer:
I think the one reason for concern about iPhone 3Gs video would be whether you can use it with a tripod. Keeping the camera steady is extremely important, and you can’t do that without a tripod, no matter how steady you think you are. So unless you can use the iPhone with a tripod, I still think you need some other kind of camera, whether it’s a Flip or something else.
I’m going to be taking my daughter to the Apple store tomorrow to get her a MacBook Pro as she goes off to college, and I will ask there about whether Apple has a tripod option for the iPhone 3Gs. If not, I think that still means if you want to use video professionally within your blogs or YouTube channel, you need another video camera – whether it’s a Flip or something else.
Does anyone else know whether there is a tripod option for the iPhone 3Gs?
Check out NAHA. I haven’t bought one myself, but after watching the Ragan presentation you did on Social Media and the Mayo Clinic – I was thinking the same thing.
Here’s a link to the Amazon store page: