The response to the contest to choose an official seal for SMUG was tremendous, with lots of votes, comments and #smugseal tweets. Given my personal lack of graphic artistry, I appreciate so much the entries from those who took time and thought to capture the essence of SMUG. They took different approaches, from old-school ivy-covered #3 to the global longitude/latitude look of #2 (with lots of mini-logos from social media sites) to a pair from Ruth LaGue that both polled strong, one with a circular motif and the other with a shield and our Latin motto.
Entry 4 was the clear winner in the semifinal, and now advances to be considered along with another strong entry (which had been in the works in response to the previous call for entries but had not been submitted.)
So here are your finalists (click each image to view enlarged versions):

Cast your votes in the poll in the sidebar, or vote via Twitter using the #smugseal hashtag (which will help spread the word about the contest and about SMUG).
Feel free also to add your comments below, if you have suggestions on how either version might be tweaked or suggestions for logo merchandise you’d like to see.
Thanks again to Amy Kapinus and Reed Smith for their contributions, and to Ruth LaGue and Fatima Mekkaoui for their finalist entries.
Voting runs through 11:59 p.m. CDT on Saturday, August 8.
Cast your vote now!
Really love the first one – glad you are making the logo selection so social!
cant remember which of these two I voted for in the first round…either one would be excellent but leaning towards #2
I vote for #1
Two great options! But #1 gets my vote! Nice work.
Number 2 is great. Has an “official” flair to it. However, I vote number one because of it’s simplicity.
I vote for #2, because having an official “ivy league” type of seal would look great on a sweatshirt….and I could wear it on my walks through campus (since I live across the street from Old Main)
I vote for #1—although I like them both. Great choices!
Going with #1! Nice clean design.
#1…love it!
I’m liking #2
I’m voting for #2 – it looks ultra official and I love all the different quotes around the ring. It serves as a constant reminder of what SMUG teaches.
Both are great but I think #2 because it looks way more official!
I vote #1 for it’s simple and fun design, and the quote bubbles provide a nice social flair that should attract attention. (Like #2 but it may blend in too much with what’s already out there.)
I vote for #1. Contemporary and I’ve always loved that motto.
I voted for #2. The representation of the globe in the design incorporates the global reach of SMUG. The simplistic look on #1 is nice but its too simple.
#1 Hands down. The other entry is lovely, but not practical for logo rendering purposes. For example the text that comprises the outer ring is too small to be read in a smaller size, thus necessitating different versions of the logo. Trust me, this OVER complicates things.
MY VOTE? #1. The other entry is lovely, but not practical for logo rendering purposes. For example the text that comprises the outer ring is too small to be read in a smaller size, thus necessitating different versions of the logo. Trust me, this OVER complicates things.
I thought this was a contest for a seal for a school and not a logo for a company? Numerous schools have a seal AND a logotype (usually school letters) for varying purposes as well as a mascot. This includes Yale, Harvard, Penn State…
#1 is my #1!
Definitely #1. Since social media is Web based, #2 would require the image to be extremely large in order to read the fine print. It would also require an excessively large alt tag to be accessible.