Lisa and I were both born in May of 1963, so last week we went to the DMV office together to complete our quadrennial task of renewing our Driver’s Licenses.
Because of COVID-19 the state is not updating the photos, but it was kind of satisfying when the clerk asked if we needed to make any changes to our information.
We both answered: “My weight.”
To which, looking at the previous figures, she responded: “Good job!”
She didn’t know the half of it.
Let’s just say that when we put our weights on the forms in 2017, the figures were…aspirational.
It was a great feeling opening the mail yesterday and comparing our before-and-after licenses, and knowing that this time the weights are legit.
Even if the photos make us look four years younger.
Milestones like this are great reminders of why we started our health journey nearly four years ago, and why I am blogging about it.
After being frustrated with our inability to maintain a healthy weight in our 40s and early 50s, we found a way that works, thanks to some Health Sherpas who described the science of effective, sustainable weight loss.
We also got a little bit angry, because what we had been told about healthy eating for decades was at odds with what had given us such great results.
And we know that a lot of people are just like we were: unhappy with our health, weight and reduced vitality, but with no idea how to fix it.
Resigned to physical decline, and just hoping it will be gradual.
We’re here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way. If this worked for us it can work for you, and it’s totally worth it.
That’s why I developed the #BodyBabySteps, to condense in one page the top priorities I see for renewing and restoring health. While there are no shortcuts, it at least eliminates dietary detours.
It’s how I would do it if I were starting my journey today.
If you have used the #BodyBabySteps to achieve some health goals, we’d love to hear your story. And I hope you’ll pay it forward by sharing on your social accounts, too.
If you’d like to explore having a coach to guide you in your journey, send me an email and we can discuss how that might work for you.