Sparking Innovation in South Carolina

I’m in Charletson today for the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) 16th Annual Healthcare Leadership conference, during which I will be part of a panel called “Employing Social Media to Build Customer Satisfaction & Community Outreach.” Our moderator is Jessica Munday and my fellow panelist is Elissa Nauful.

The conference theme is Sparking Innovation, so I’m glad to be able to share our Mayo Clinic experience with social media. Here are my slides:

Note that all of the links in the presentation above are clickable and will take you to the referenced resources.

For those wanting to get more involved, here are three helpful next steps:

  1. Create your free Guest account in our Mayo Clinic Social Media Health Network.
  2. Explore some of the free curriculum offerings (listed in bold or italic)
  3. If you’d like to join with us in Bringing the Social Media Revolution to Health Care, check out the membership options.

I welcome your comments or questions below.

Colon Cancer Alliance Presentation

I’m in Miami this morning for the Colon Cancer Alliance National Conference. Below are the slides I will be presenting.

One of the things I’m excited to share with this group is the Patient Advocate Associate memberships as well as the free guest accounts we now have available in the Social Media Health Network.

I look forward to the discussion!


Presenting at the Benedictine Development Symposium

This morning I am in Schuyler, Nebraska doing a presentation for the Benedictine Development Symposium. It seems Kathy Caudill had seen me at the Association Forum of Chicagoland in late 2007, which was the inspiration for Lines from Lee becoming SMUG. She’s been a SMUGgle almost literally from Day One.

Here are the slides I’m presenting today:

I’m also going to be doing a Tweetcamp later this morning, so here are the slides for that: