12 Tips for Social Media Success

12 tips for Social Media Success
Jeremiah Owyang highlights a well-done white paper by Chris Kenton from MotiveLab called “12 Essential Tips for Success in Social Media” by calling attention to the first tip: Establish Clear Business Objectives and Metrics. There’s a good reason why that’s first: too often a project will be launched without a clear sense of where it fits in the organization’s overall strategy.

Like Jeremiah, I highly recommend this paper, which you can download here by joining the Facebook group Chris established, called MotiveLab Network.

But while Jeremiah called attention to the first point, I would like to highlight the last:

Fail Quickly. Fail Cheaply.

If you’re launching your first social media program, focus on an initiative with minimal investment in time and money. Success is more often than not an iterative process. You’re likely to fail. So do it quickly, do it cheaply, and correct your course. Don’t set out with a big initiative that ties up a lot of resources putting all the bells and whistles into a flashy launch, unless you’re ready for a flashy failure. Social media lends itself well to this kind of iterative and incremental process.

This ties to some of my previous posts about why building a community site within an existing social network like Facebook makes sense, at least as a way to start.

First, I think it will give you maximum likelihood of success, because a certain portion of your target audience already is in Facebook. You’re not asking them to sign up for a new username/password. And if they’re not in Facebook yet, asking them to sign up isn’t asking for more commitment than if you were just inviting them to your own homebrewed or “white label” site. So for getting people to join your online community, the simplicity factor either favors Facebook (for existing users) or is a wash.

For you as the developer of the community, however, forming a Facebook group is much simpler than either of the other options. You can create a Facebook group in less than an hour, even as a complete novice — and even if you spend the first 45 minutes exploring the Facebook group settings.
That leads me back to Chris’ point about failing faster. I believe using Facebook for your first foray into social media makes failure less likely, but even if you find that it doesn’t work as well as you had hoped, it will cost you less for this social media education, both in time and money, than if you set up a standalone site.

If you find your Facebook group experiment is a miserable failure, as Administrator you can end it. I just set up a group to test this, and invited my youngest daughter to join. Here’s what that page looked like:

12 tips for Social Media Success

Right after she joined it, I used the “Edit Members” function to remove her as a member, and then I changed the status of the group to “Secret.” It’s as if the group had never existed; like Stalin without the political assassinations.
So, if you formed a group in Facebook and it absolutely didn’t work, you could put it out of your misery (although it probably would be best in a case like that to have introduced it as a pilot; for Wal-Mart’s Facebook group an attempt to disband would bring bad PR.)

A more likely scenario might be, as Chris suggests, that you experiment with a social media platform like Facebook so both you and your intended community learn whether this kind of networking would be mutually valuable. You may see some features missing that would be helpful or even crucial to its success, and then you can focus development efforts on either extending the Facebook functionality through the F8 platform, or using what you learned in developing an alternative.

Whatever you decide, you can either then enhance your Facebook site, or use the Message All Members function to let everyone know that the action has moved over to a new site. This is much better than taking months to develop a site, perhaps pouring development resources into functions your users may not value, and lagging behind your competitors in engaging customers in conversations.
Even if you eventually go to another “new and improved” site, you would still have your outpost in Facebook, so that as people are there and perhaps looking for your organization, you can have this group with a link to your “real” networking site.

Here’s a demonstration of what that might look like:

Social Media Success tips
As Dennis McDonald says in another interesting white paper, you should incorporate social media into your crisis communication plan because these tools will be used by others in a crisis. Likewise, since some people will search for your organization’s name in Facebook (especially as it continues to add users at an “astonishing” rate), you should at minimum have a presence there so people can find your “official” site via a link on that page.

Sometimes faster failure is the key to success.

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“The Social Graph” Makes Facebook “Business” Friends Inevitable

Social Graph Facebook Business Friends
Facebook will have a way of enabling its users to create various levels of “friendship.” It’s inevitable, and not just because of the speculation on the Inside Facebook blog.

I don’t know how to interpret the new API methods uncovered in that post and what the code really means, but this news does seem to indicate that Facebook is on its way to developing what Nick O’Neill calls Facebook’s Killer Feature. I’ve written previously about some work-arounds for this problem of personal and professional friends being all in one group, and how segregating them would be essential to widespread adoption of Facebook for B2B networking.

This recent speculation only suggests to me that the new feature enabling classes of friends, which would be a serious blow to LinkedIn, may be coming sooner than I had expected. But whatever the timing, I am absolutely convinced that Facebook will have this feature.
Why? Because it is essential for Facebook to have if it wants to achieve its goal of representing what Mark Zuckerberg calls “the social graph” within Facebook. Zuckerberg says the social graph exists in reality, and Facebook is just making it visible.

Well, the reality is people have different kinds of relationships. Some are strictly personal. Others are professional or business-related. If Facebook is to accurately mirror The Social Graph, it must have a way of distinguishing between these kinds of relationships.

You can do this already to some extent through the limited profile and by using groups, but that’s the MacGyver way. It needs to be easy. Facebook needs to make maintaining these “arms length” relationships as simple as the regular “friend” interactions.

It will, because continuing its “astonishing” growth and maturing into a true information-sharing utility depends on it. Zuckerberg knows it. He’s a smart guy. Like the United Way commercial used to say about Minnesota Vikings Center Matt Birk, “He went to Harvard.”

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Week in Review

Highlights of the last week:

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Facebook in USA Today

Facebook in USA Today
Many in the mainstream media have written articles recently about Facebook that are helping to make it, well…mainstream. Both Newsweek and TIME have had major articles in the last couple of weeks, and here are excerpts from a couple more stories about Facebook in USA Today from the last few days. Click the title links to read the whole articles.

Travelers arrive at Facebook

Since opening its virtual doors last fall to anyone with an e-mail address, Facebook has graduated to more than 37 million users, and the 25-and-over crowd is its fastest-growing demographic.

A key factor in the site’s rapid ascent: development of more than 3,000 free, third-party software applications that let Facebook “friends” trade everything from travel tips, Scrabble scores and books they’re reading to hedge fund advice via a fantasy stock exchange.

The most popular of Facebook’s 100-odd travel applications, downloaded by more than 2.6 million members since its launch by a freelance Web developer in June, is Where I’ve Been — a map that highlights places users have been to, lived in and hope to visit. The interactive map includes a smattering of facts for each destination.

Facebook plans to offer targeted ads

Social-networking site Facebook is ramping up efforts on a major new advertising plan that would let marketers tailor ads for the millions of Facebook customers who provide a mountain of information about themselves on the site, according to major advertisers and analysts briefed on the system.

But the potential volume of ads, and their proximity to the personal content of customers, could stir privacy concerns, say tech and advertising analysts.

Facebook’s new format may display more prominent ads on the news feed — a list of updates on the activities of a user’s Facebook friends, according to those briefed on the new system. Facebook ads also currently appear as banners on the left-hand and bottom borders of Facebook pages.

Eventually, Facebook hopes to refine the system to deliver ads based on users’ interests, says Debra Aho Williamson, senior analyst at market researcher eMarketer.

Obviously, Facebook has to walk a fine line. If it does this right, it will be seen as a service, helping people find goods and services that interest them. It reminds me of David’s Bridal and its arrangements with various vendors that provide special offers to its wedding-dress customers. The feedback I heard at a recent seminar was that brides-who-had-been were thankful to David’s for “all the bonus goodies you get when you buy your wedding dress there.”

If Facebook does the advertising tastefully, in keeping with its current understated approach, it can create similar feelings among its users. It will be much better if it can grow its page views and time spent, with a light sprinkling of ads, instead of killing the golden goose with a heavy-handed mix. Better to triple the user base in the next year (which is not at all out of the question based on current growth trends) with the same advertising level than to ratchet up the advertising and slow the growth.
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Facebook: A Series of Tubes?

TIME magazine’s recent article – “Why Facebook is the Future” – contains this excellent synoposis of what Facebook really is:

Facebook’s appeal is both obvious and rather subtle. It’s a website, but in a sense, it’s another version of the Internet itself: a Net within the Net, one that’s everything the larger Net is not.

And so, with that description of Facebook as “a Net within the Net,” we can’t help but refer to Sen. Ted Stevens’ definition of the internet as a whole to help us better understand what Facebook is:


Sen. Stevens’ speech was repeatedly ridiculed on The Daily Show and elsewhere by those  who thought it demonstrated a, well… less-than-complete understanding of the internet and how it works.Yet some of the chatter about Facebook and its suitability for business use doesn’t sound much more enlightened than either Sen. Stevens or Caitlin Upton, Miss South Carolina Teen USA, and her explanation of why U.S. students don’t know much about geography…

Using Facebook for business won’t “plug up the tubes” and get in the way of the personal messages you want to deliver. It’s also not just for college students; the 35+ age demographic is the fastest growing segment among its 35+ million members.

Sure, many of the applications developed for its platform are pointless diversions, but there are some quite useful ones. For example, file sharing applications like Files and MediaFire provide shared virtual hard drives for file exchange. I’ll be reviewing those in a future post. Both provide handy work-arounds to the file size limits most people have in their email, and without the complicated language of ftp servers.
Others have raised the red flags – or red herrings – of inappropriately personal applications causing embarrassment. For example, a SuperPoke user might inadvertenly slap, bite, kick or pinch a business colleague instead of poking.

Egads! The solution to that would be, “Don’t slap, bite, kick or pinch your professional associates.” Or don’t install SuperPoke. Or why would you poke a co-worker when you could send a message instead?

Others suggest that personal photos posted by others, which appear on your Wall or in your mini-feed, could be embarrassing. Those situations can be substantially resolved by adjusting your privacy settings for your limited profile and not showing your Wall or mini-feed to your professional colleagues.

For some people who wouldn’t think of using Facebook for business, the language I just used is foreign; that’s because they haven’t tried Facebook, and so they are making judgments based on rumor and hearsay instead of personal experience.

Facebook is an information-sharing utility. It works well for personal, diversionary pursuits, and it works equally well for sharing information and creating discussions of professional topics.

Just as the same internet “tubes” carry personal and business emails — and even 10 movies at one time — so can the same Facebook infrastructure facilitate maintenance of personal and business relationships without getting things “tangled up.”

And there are even some map applications that could help Miss Upton.

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