Katie Paine is giving a whirlwind tour of the measurement landscape. I suggest you check out her blog (previous link) and her company site to dig in deeper. She says her slides are in the attendee packet (although I’m not seeing them.) I may need to follow up with a more in-depth post. She says they are or will be here. I just went there and signed up for a free account and downloaded a previous talk. I’m looking forward to downloading this one.
Katie’s 10 Signs that this is end of the world as we know it
10. I spent more time on Twitter, Facebook and Flickr yesterday than I did on email. (Here is Katie’s Twitter account and here is mine.)
9. Gatekeepers? What’s a gate keeper? Deadline? What’s a deadline? News is instant.
8. A start up company got 100 great marketing ideas for free from Twitter
7. It’s easier to put my message on M&Ms than it is to get it into an A-list blog
6. $0 budget YouTube videos about Barack Obama were seen by 120 times the audience of Clinton’s largest town hall meeting in US history that cost millions
5. IBM gets more leads, sales and exposure from a $500 podcast than it does from an ad
… (Katie’s moving too fast now…I will ask Katie for the rest of her top-10 list)
1. Measurement is a whole lot easier
10 Immutable laws of 21st Century Communications (At Least the 7 I could catch)
- It’s all about the conversation between the cantankerous and the capricious.
- There is no market for your message
- Size doesn’t matter so stop screaming, start listening
- It’s not how many eyeballs, it’s the right eyeballs
- Spin is dead, long live transparency. Be who you are and see who is pleased and be there when they need you.
- ROI doesn’t mean what you think it does, HITS = How Idiots Track Success
- You can’t divide by zero. When I approaches zero, ROI becomes infinite
Katie says VendorRate.com will be really disruptive in the BtoB world.
Katie recommends Google Analytics. Note: You can’t use this in wordpress.com (the hosted version), because wordpress.com already is using it. But you get lots of good statistics for free with your wordpress.com account.
You need to tag your content for it to be found.
It’s not about eyeballs; what you want to know is whether you’re getting your fair share of the conversation.
As I said, she covered much more than I could get down. I look forward to reflecting later on the presentation. Meanwhile, do check out her blog and her company site, where you can get the presentations.