I’ll be taking off this evening to attend the second day of the World Health Care Congress 2nd Annual Leadership Summit on Consumer Connectivity, where I will be presenting twice on Tuesday.
I’ll be joining representatives from Community Health Network and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as part of the Innovator’s Showcase (I’ll do a quick run-through of how we’re using blogs, Facebook and YouTube), and then will be telling the story of Mayo Clinic’s journey into Web 2.0 in the first educational track. The agenda for the first day looks interesting, too, but I’ll have to follow the tweets to catch up on that discussion (looks like the relevant hashtag with be #whcc).
Updated: Seems #whcc2 is another related hashtag.
The Summit has a Facebook group and also a LinkedIn group, so it will be interesting to see how World Congress uses them. And since my time in Carlsbad will be quite brief, I think the combination of these tools (and Twitter) will be really important for me to get the most out of the summit.
Lee, or shall I say, “Chancellor” Lee?…super sharing today at WHCC connectivity conference. Lots of innovative S/M applications at May0. Congrats on creativity and courage to lead!