I’ll be out on the road quite a bit in the next month, spreading the word about social media tools and their application in health care, and sharing our Mayo Clinic experience and perspective. If you’d like to participate in any of these conferences, I’m sure the organizers can get you details on how to join.
- Oct. 24: Healthcamp Minnesota (#hcmn) at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. My keynote is at 8 a.m., and it should be a great day. I’m looking forward to lots of connections. Thanks to @AlbertMaruggi and @ArikHanson for organizing!
- Oct. 26: e-Patient Connections 2009, Philadelphia (#ePatCon). Other speakers on the program I’m looking forward to meeting include @SusannahFox, @DanaMLewis and @ePatientDave, but I’m expecting to meet about 250 new friends, according to the conference organizers.
- Nov. 2-3: 13th Annual Healthcare Internet Conference, Las Vegas. I’m honored to be kicking off this conference with a keynote on Monday at 2:30. After this I’ll be able to say I’ve played Caesars.
- Nov. 4: ASTRO (the radiology association, not the Jetsons’ dog) conference in Chicago. I’m on a media training panel in the morning.
- Nov. 11: Kellogg School’s 10th Annual Business of Healthcare Conference in Chicago, at Northwestern University.
- Nov. 12: Oklahoma Hospital Association, Oklahoma City. I’m doing a presentation with @EdBennett, and look forward to meeting @cpazzo, @brendafinkle, @joymcgill and @susiemoo.
- Nov. 18: AHIP Communications Conference, Chicago.
- Nov. 19: Minnesota Association of Government Communicators, St. Paul, “Government Communications on an Even Shorter Shoestring.”
I look forward to getting to meet a lot of folks in real life after only having interacted via Twitter. If I’m going to be in your area, I hope we can Tweetup!
So what’s the problem? You don’t like the Lone Star Republic??? I’d love to attend one of your sessions, but ya gotta come to Big D!