4 Steps to Keeping New Year’s Resolutions

This post is from the SMUG Department of Philosophy. It isn’t about social media as much as it’s about personal growth. But in keeping with the rest of the SMUG curriculum, it’s based on my practical experience, and what has worked for me. In writing it I’m mainly reminding myself to apply what I’ve learned, … Continue reading “4 Steps to Keeping New Year’s Resolutions”

Yammer 110: File Sharing with Yammer

In Yammer 104 I wrote about how Yammer can be an all-purpose GTD reference filing system, and not just for individuals but for a company. You can write relatively brief posts about a topic, and can include hyperlinks to external Web sites or to intranet pages. But what if the information you want to share … Continue reading “Yammer 110: File Sharing with Yammer”

Yammering, Listening, and Improving the Product

This post is about a prime example of how companies can use social media tools to improve their products and services. You would expect this from a company looking to make a name for itself in social media, as Yammer is. If social media is your core product, you should be out there listening and … Continue reading “Yammering, Listening, and Improving the Product”

Yammer 105: Making Yammering Effortless

I have found that when we introduce new electronic tools to the workplace, the adoption and usage varies inversely with the amount of effort required. There also is a significant direct relationship to the perceived benefit, but the basic questions are: How difficult is this going to be? How much do I need to change … Continue reading “Yammer 105: Making Yammering Effortless”

30 Ideas in 30 Minutes: My Ragan Panel Contributions

I’m serving on a panel to close the Ragan conference hosted by SAS in Cary, NC. The goal is to give participants a list of actions they can immediately implement as practical steps when they return home to work. I was asked to provide six suggestions, and the other four panelists also are responsible for … Continue reading “30 Ideas in 30 Minutes: My Ragan Panel Contributions”