I’m honored to be leading a conference call this afternoon with representatives from local chapters of the American Heart Association, discussing how they can use social media to spread the word. The conference call runs from 1-2 p.m. CST, and we’ll be using the #AHAchat hashtag for discussion.
The slides for my presentation (which will be about the first half or so of the discussion) are embedded below. They’re based on my 35 Theses, but I’ve incorporated some examples from AHA and their existing use of social media, and I’m not including the Octogenarian Idols section. If you want to contribute to the discussion via #AHAchat on Twitter, I’m sure you’d be welcome. Otherwise, please feel free to join in the comments on this post.
If you’re not sure how to participate in a Twitter chat, check out Twitter 115 and Twitter 116 for tips.
Here is the Twitter search widget so you can track the conversation, even if you haven’t yet joined Twitter: