I had the pleasure on Thursday of presenting on Mayo Clinic’s social media activities at the HR Executive Forum in the Twin Cities. It was great to also hear from:
- Jacqueline Prescott, co-founder of Frank, a consulting firm helping organizations by focusing on the 2.0 mindset (Check out Biz Behind the Buzz)
- Bethany Kinsella, BBY Digital Director and a key leader of the Web 2.0 revolution inside Best Buy;
- Jim Emanuelson, VP of Information Systems Applications who leads a web-based mentoring program at Land O’Lakes
Because the Q&A portion of the event was somewhat truncated, I offered to post the presentations here and invite all the participants to share their questions, comments and ideas. Bethany, Jacqueline and Jim all graciously provided their presentations, which I uploaded to Slideshare.net. They are embedded below.
Please share your comments or questions for any of the presenters in the comments below. Hopefully we can have a good conversation about how to employ social media tools in your organizations.
Click the Read More link to view the presentations and share your comments.
I thoroughly enjoyed your session at the HR Executive Forum, however, my evening obligations required me to leave early. The opportunities you described were inspiring and mind-boggling, too.
My question is: How do organizations protect intellectual property and prevent abuse of such media?
Thank you.
Thanks for your comment. Mainly you don’t want to put proprietary, trade-secret info on a blog. If it’s something you sell elsewhere, you wouldn’t want it on a blog in exactly the same form.
But you can think of a blog as a great form of advertising or advertorial content, except you don’t have to pay for placement. If people see your quality content, they may want to do business with your firm.
Beyond that, by having these social media outposts you may actually benefit from others sharing their ideas (or intellectual property) with you, for free. It’s got great market research potential…sort of a world-wide focus group.
As you say, the possibilities can be mind-boggling, which is why I advise focusing on something likely to provide high yield at low cost, which can be a foundation for future exploration.