I’m delighted to be presenting to the Healthcare Public Relations and Marketing Society of Greater New York at a seminar this morning hosted by the New York Times. For someone who has spent a substantial portion of my career in news media relations, being able to present at The Newspaper of Record is quite exciting. I’m also looking forward to hearing about the Times’ social media plans.
My presentation this morning will be about 45 minutes, with less of an emphasis on education but more of a focus on advanced applications.
Mainly I hope to inspire some creative thinking among the participants, and look forward to the discussion we can have, both face to face but also via the #HPRMSNY hashtag on Twitter.
As is my custom, here are my slides from this morning’s presentation. I want the participants to….well…participate! I don’t want them to feel like they need to be taking notes, so the slides are here for their reference and to jog their recollections of the discussion.
Mainly, I hope we can have a good discussion, and that it can continue for at least the next few days on Twitter. And I hope we will see more hospitals implementing social media as a result.
Tonight my excellent adventure (which would make Bill & Ted jealous) continues.