Launching Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media

The posts on SMUG have been sparse for a few weeks, and here’s why: In my “day job” we’ve been on the verge of announcing what I think is an exciting new development, the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media.

Here’s a story about it from KTTC TV in Rochester, which includes an interview with our interim medical director, Victor Montori, M.D.:

As you might imagine, I’m seriously excited that we have gotten to this point. I’ll be writing more about this later, but just wanted to resurface after several days of what may have seemed like summer vacation here at SMUG.

Update 7/30/2010: The KAAL TV story on the launch of the center also was picked up by You can see it here:

Author: Lee Aase

Husband of one, father of six, grandfather of 15. Chancellor Emeritus, SMUG. Emeritus staff of Mayo Clinic. Founder of HELPcare and Administrator for HELPcare Clinic.

4 thoughts on “Launching Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media”

  1. Lee – This is fantastic! I can’t wait to get Hazelden signed up so we can expand our social media presence and increase understanding of it among our staff and leadership. Thanks to you and Mayo Clinic for moving this forward.

  2. Bravo the ultimate in multimedia newsrooms for specific consumers. Outstanding, you’ve taken the mentality of a reporter and combined it with the responsiveness of a customer-centric organization.

    Simple concept, beautifully executed and that’s what makes a success.


  3. Lee, congratulations. This is a seriously huge step, institutionalizing a still evolving force that is changing the nature of the patient-provider relationship. This will have important ramifications in a lot of areas, including animating the new research structures being put in place via the health care bill that will focus on “real world” experiences and outcomes.

    Who knew that little piano duet would have such an effect! : )

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