Sparking Innovation in South Carolina

I’m in Charletson today for the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) 16th Annual Healthcare Leadership conference, during which I will be part of a panel called “Employing Social Media to Build Customer Satisfaction & Community Outreach.” Our moderator is Jessica Munday and my fellow panelist is Elissa Nauful.

The conference theme is Sparking Innovation, so I’m glad to be able to share our Mayo Clinic experience with social media. Here are my slides:

Note that all of the links in the presentation above are clickable and will take you to the referenced resources.

For those wanting to get more involved, here are three helpful next steps:

  1. Create your free Guest account in our Mayo Clinic Social Media Health Network.
  2. Explore some of the free curriculum offerings (listed in bold or italic)
  3. If you’d like to join with us in Bringing the Social Media Revolution to Health Care, check out the membership options.

I welcome your comments or questions below.

Advisory Board Series spells out Rules of Social Media

I was honored last month to be interviewed for a week-long series by The Advisory Board Company called “Rules of Social Media” for their Daily Briefing Blog. I was in the Monday, Wednesday and Thursday posts, with colleagues from some other institutions featured on Tuesday and Friday. I think the series has some good nuggets, so check out the articles and let me know what you think.

Monday: Rules of social media: Define your target audience

Tuesday: Rules of social media: Let your patients tell their stories.

Wednesday: Rules of social media: Get onboard with a hospital blog.

Thursday: Rules of social media: Master the metrics.

Friday: Rules of social media: Sustain a two-way conversation.


A Fresh Look at Social Media

I’m in Orlando today for a presentation to FSHPRM, which is the public relations and marketing group affiliated with the Florida Hospital Association. I’ve spoken to this group a couple of times previously, the last time being in February 2009. It’s fun to look back at what I was saying then, and how far we have progressed.

Here are my slides for this morning’s presentation:

I’m organizing this presentation a little differently from what I’ve done in the last couple of years, and also adding some new material. What do you think?

HCSM Review #32 Call for Submissions: Patient Empowerment Edition

SMUG is again hosting the Health Care Social Media Review, the blog carnival focused on health care social media, curating some of the latest stories, research and resources shared by colleagues.

Because the financial cost of blogging and using social networking platforms is typically zero (or close to it), and because these tools enable people overcome barriers of time and space and to make connections, they have great potential to help patients find their voice. In Issue 32 of the HCSM Review, we’re looking for great stories of how patients are taking advantage of social tools to gain knowledge and find support.

Health Care Social Media Review

To submit your post:

Email a link to your post or posts (no more than two submissions per author) by  6 p.m. EDT on July 15.

Format your submission email as follows:

  • Email Subject Line: HealthCare SocialMedia Review
  • Blog Title:
  • Blog URL:
  • Post Headline:
  • Permanent link to post:
  • Your Name: Name, Username, Nickname, or Pseudonym
  • Description or brief excerpt:

You also may submit your entry online at Blog Carnival HQ. Learn more about the HCSM Review by visiting HealthWorks Collective or follow @healthworkscollectiv on Twitter.

We look forward to your posts!

Social Media in Health Care: More than Just Marketing

The Los Angeles Times had a nice article on social media in health care on Saturday, entitled “The doctor’s in, on Twitter.” I had participated in an interview some time ago, so was surprised when I got the Google alert linking to the article, which began…

Twitter. A popular online social network? Yes. A vital tool for medical research? Maybe.

“Until now, healthcare providers have primarily used online networks as a promotional tool,” says Lee Aase, director of the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media. “We think they can be much more.”

I think it’s an important message to get across: that if we see social media primarily being about marketing we will miss some of the most important benefits. In fact, we created the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media and the Social Media Health Network to help encourage use of these tools throughout the health care system, in clinical practice, research and education as well as administration. So I was really glad to see something of this emphasis come through in the Times.

And personally, it’s kind of a kick to be the first person quoted. Not gonna lie. 😉

Read the whole article.