Christmas Eve Reflections on 2010

It’s 6:30 on Christmas Eve morning as I begin writing this. Why am up early on my first of five days off from work? Because my youngest daughter, Ruthie, needed to get to her nursing assistant job at 7, and we had to get a car free from six inches of new-fallen snow. Part of the record cumulative snowfall for December here in southern Minnesota, and further evidence for global warming.

But then again, isn’t everything?

So, as I sip coffee and wait for the snowfall to taper off so I can fire up my newly acquired snowblower (good year to get it, huh?), it’s time to reflect on – and give thanks for – the events of 2010.

Continue reading “Christmas Eve Reflections on 2010”

American Medical News highlights hospital social media

American Medical News has a nice profile this morning of Dana Lewis, who exemplifies the new role, in an article titled “Hospitals’ new specialist: Social media manager.” The article begins:

For otolaryngologist Douglas Backous, MD, Twitter and blogging were “like speaking a foreign language.” So he went to his hospital and got himself a translator: Dana Lewis, hired by Seattle’s Swedish Medical Center to handle all things social media.

Lewis is part of a trend in a new and growing type of hospital employment: the social media manager.

Technically, she’s called the interactive marketing specialist. But she, and others like her, are being charged by their hospitals to handle such duties as overseeing their social media presence, communicating with patients through social media — and, in many cases, teaching affiliated or employed physicians how to use social media. The idea is that by having a person dedicated to social media, the hospital can use the technology to strengthen its connections with all of what organizations like to call their stakeholders, which include the physicians who refer patients through their doors.

Check out the whole article: Ed Bennett’s Hospital Social Networking List also is featured, as are my 35 Theses here on SMUG. It also has a nice compilation of social media best practices for hospitals, which author Bob Cook apparently synthesized from several guidelines documents.

Here’s more information on what we’re doing at Mayo Clinic, with our new Center for Social Media. I’m excited that we’ve hired candidates for four of the eight new positions with the Center, and that we have interviews this week and next for two more. I’m also honored that both Ed and Dana are on our advisory board (with 12 more members still to be named). We’re going through about 120 applications from some really strong candidates to ensure broad-based and diverse membership.

When the official online publication of the American Medical Association devotes an extensive article to the topic of social media staffing for hospitals, that’s a good sign the activity is going mainstream. We’re glad to contributing to that through the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media and the Social Media Health Network.

Mayo Clinic Transform Symposium – YouTube Playlist to Embed

On September 13 and 14, Mayo Clinic’s Center for Innovation hosted its second annual Transform symposium. If you weren’t able to attend in person (or even if you did, and want to review any of the presentations), we now have them uploaded as a playlist on our Mayo Clinic YouTube channel. I have embedded the playlist below:

Please feel free to embed the playlist or any of the individual videos on your blog, or otherwise share with those you think would find them interesting and helpful.

On Beta Versions, Diversity and Perceived Facial Slaps

On Thursday we announced the first 13 members of what will eventually be our 25-member external advisory board for the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media. That same post included a call for nominations for the remaining 12 members, which we are recruiting through a crowdsourcing process. Here’s what I said in that post:

Our goal is to have a well-rounded board with diverse backgrounds, capabilities and interests that encourages a wide range of applications for social media tools to improve health and the health care system, and to bring perspectives from other industries and government to the conversations. These are volunteer positions, although members will receive free admission to events sponsored by the center.

The first 13 members selected for one-year terms are listed on the Advisory Board page. These are among the pioneers in applying social media in health care and humanitarian endeavors. We’re honored that they are willing to serve.

We want your help in nominating and selecting candidates for the remaining 12 positions to give us the well-rounded board we’re seeking, reflecting diversity in all its forms.

We’d like to have representatives from state, local or federal government, public health, medical and scientific journals, hospital and nursing associations, disease-oriented organizations and patient foundations, medical associations and specialty societies, and of course physicians. While we have a pair of patients among our initial members, we’re open to more. And we don’t want to limit nominations to the foregoing categories: we hope to also have representatives from other industries (such as the technology sector) that are more advanced in application of social media than health care has been.

I thought we had made it clear that this was just a start in naming the advisory board, and that we have a long way to go before it’s complete. Maybe it would have been better if I had just done the post with the initial names, instead of having the bios of the first members on this separate page.

DrVes tweeted Thursday night that  “Mayo Clinic Advisory Board for Social Media is a good idea but the doctors are missing in version 1.0.” That led Doctov_V to ask on his blog in a Friday post, “Mayo’s Center for Social Media – Does it Need Physician Advisors?KevinMD took it a step further, saying “Mayo Clinic Center for Health Care Social Media Disses Physicians” and that not having a physician among the first 13 was “a slap in the face.” Others noted the low proportion of women in the initial batch and that some other diversity was lacking, too.

Here’s a bit more background on the process and why we have approached it this way, mingled with some other observations:

Many of our first picks would have been on anyone’s recommendation list. If we had started with a blank slate and asked people to submit names of five people to serve on the board, @EdBennett, @ePatientDave and several of the others would likely have been on 80 percent or more of the ballots.

As I developed a list of people to ask, I started with those I knew best, and from whom I have learned much. I’ve met everyone in the first batch in real life, with the exception of one member with whom I’ve had extensive phone conversations. I was talking with some of them about the concept of our Center for Social Media long before we announced it. Their advice has already been extremely helpful, and it seemed right to ask them to help in a more formal, ongoing way.

After we defined the roles and responsibilities for the board and started inviting these first members, I also had a list of potential “slots” or perspectives we didn’t have represented yet and was asking the initial members for their suggestions.

Then an idea struck me: this is a social media advisory board, so why not build the rest of it socially?

We had some other potential members in mind, some of whom are physicians. But we’re also in the middle of hiring several staff members, creating an internal advisory team, preparing for our Social Media Summit on our Mayo Clinic campus in Florida in late September, and getting ready to launch some other initiatives. Crowdsourcing will help us keep growing the advisory board while also moving forward on these other projects. It will identify people who really want to participate.

And while we thought the remaining “slots” we had were fairly comprehensive and representative, by crowdsourcing we could have people suggest perspectives that we may not have even considered.

So it just seemed right to stop at 13, roughly the halfway point, and throw the process open for nominations. Everyone with whom I discussed this thought crowdsourcing was a great way to involve the community in forming the board.

We expect those who eventually fill the remainder of positions will be much more oriented toward clinical practice, medical research and medical education. It won’t be perfectly proportionally representative, but it will reflect diversity. And it will be matched with a similar advisory team drawn from among Mayo Clinic employees. We’re going to start crowdsourcing that internal advisory team later next week.

We could have tried to build a representative board through old-fashioned networking and waited to announce it until we had all 25 members. That would have taken a lot more work on my part, and the final results wouldn’t have been as good.

That’s the nature of social media. The first version you publish is a good start, and then you ask the community to help refine it.

One final thing about the tweet from DrVes that started this discussion. What we have release isn’t version 1.0 of the board. It’s version 0.52. It’s in beta. Exactly 52 percent of the members have been named. I appreciate that DrVes has been balanced in his comments, noting that physicians will be included when the full board. I also thought Doctor_V’s observations were, well…thoughtful.

But even though he wondered whether physicians would “make the cut,” I can say unequivocally that our external board will have physician members.

Perhaps the main good that will come out of the discussions of the last 48 hours is that more people will become aware of the advisory board opportunity and apply, or nominate others, and we’ll get a stronger board.

That was the idea.

Here’s a final comment from KevinMD, as we have interacted on his blog:

“IMO the entire panel should have been crowd sourced, rather than starting with an initial, invited few.”

I can understand that perspective. I hope what I’ve said here about the development of the board will help him, and others who may share his view, to understand mine.

28 Minutes with the Chancellor

One of the points I regularly make in discussing social media tools is the opportunity they provide for providing in-depth information to people who have a particular interest. The example I most frequently cite is this 10-minute video on myelofibrosis, which has been viewed more than 5,200 times on our Mayo Clinic YouTube channel.

It doesn’t matter that Dr. Mesa’s video lacks mass appeal; it provides important information for patients with myelofibrosis and for their families, giving them just what they need, and what they are interested in seeing because they have strong personal motivation to learn about this type of blood cancer.

What you see embedded below is another example of a video with limited mass appeal. Shawn Riley (@rilescat), who blogs at HealthTechnica, hosts a regular TV talk show called Health Connections on our local Austin, MN PBS affiliate, KSMQ. When we announced our new Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media, the producer of Health Connections asked if I would come on the program to talk with Shawn about social media in heath care, and about our new center. This interview was broadcast locally last Tuesday, and now the 27:47 program is available (thanks to viewers like you) on YouTube.

I don’t expect this video to get anything near the traffic of Dr. Mesa’s discussion of myelofibrosis. But if you’re among the global niche those interested in applying social media in health care, you may find it helpful.