RAQ: Adding a Photo to a WordPress Post

Julie asks:

What is the best way to post a photo on a blog? A photo that I tried to cut and paste from a Word document didn’t take. Please let me know when you have a chance.

Here’s the answer:

Continue reading “RAQ: Adding a Photo to a WordPress Post”

Blogging 123: Customizing Your WordPress Profile

When you create your username in WordPress or WordPress.com, it has to be all lowercase letters (or numbers) with no spaces. That doesn’t look very professional when you username is associated with a post or a comment on your blog or someone else’s. 

Fortunately, you can customize how you want your name to appear on WordPress (or WordPress.com) blogs, and the screencast below shows you how. It also shows you the process for uploading a photo (or Gravatar) to also be connected to your WordPress comments (or posts, if your WordPress theme includes Gravatars on posts.)

There are several other customization options to which I briefly allude in this screencast, but the two I’ve listed are the most important, in my opinion.

Update: You can view the screencast in the SMUG group in Facebook.

Blogging 369: Adding an Audio Player in WordPress

As you can see in the post about Sharing Mayo Clinic being featured on FIR, it’s possible in the self-hosted version of WordPress to provide a Flash player for your mp3 files, which enables your users to listen to the audio track without downloading it and opening in another program, such as iTunes.

What you may not know is that it’s really easy to provide this functionality.

Continue reading “Blogging 369: Adding an Audio Player in WordPress”

Blogging 122: Being a WordPress Blog Contributor

This post is a companion to Blogging 119: Managing Multiple Contributors, and is written from the perspective of someone with Contributor-level access to a WordPress or WordPress.com blog.

After your blog administrator has added you as a contributor, you should have a link sent to you where you can sign in.

For WordPress blogs, you can access the dashboard from the front page of the blog by adding /wp-admin/ to the end of the URL. So for SMUG, the dashboard is at:


Alternatively, you may see a link in the sidebar that looks like this.


Click the Log in link, and you will see a screen where you can log in. But I’m getting ahead of myself; watch the video and you’ll see step-by-step how you enter and save your posts as a contributor.


For further information about writing a post, see Blogging 116.

Blogging 352: Adding an Email Subscription Form to Your Blog

Here’s an RAQ from Katie M:

I am currently using wordpress.org for a few blogs. I am setting up for some doctors and another blog for another pilot program … so doctors can learn from each other…I am wanting to have the similar option that you have for subscribing, that is via e-mail. How do I go about doing this?

The answer is pretty straightforward.

I recommend that you use Feedburner to replace your blog’s RSS feed with one that gives you more features, particularly better tracking. Feedburner is free, and among its built-in benefits is the ability to let your readers subscribe by email.

Here’s how you can add a subscription form to a sidebar widget on your blog, assuming you have set up a Feedburner account and “burned” your feed.

Continue reading “Blogging 352: Adding an Email Subscription Form to Your Blog”